Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Soulja Boy Impregnates Soulja Girl

Soulja Boy SupermanUh oh, looks like Soulja Boy cranked it one too many times with his  Soulja girl!  Word on the street is the young star has knocked up a young girl in his neck of the woods.  The 17 year old ring tone rapper zigged when he should have zagged and will now be the proud father of a young child who will probably be deprived of attention and will wind up amounting to nothing but long nights with crystal meth. 

At least Soulja Boy is paid and will be able to afford that dreaded child support!


ShannaWall said...

oh dangg. Soulja Boy is this true well i hope nott. lol. just playing well i wish the best for you love ya SB.

Little Chris said...


Little Chris said...

yahhhhhhhhh trick

Little Chris said...

yahhhhhhhhh trick