Tuesday, September 25, 2007

50 Cent Didn't Lose To Kanye West

http://www.product-reviews.net/wp-content/userimages/2007/08/kanye_west2.jpgWhile everybody has been crowning Kanye West the opening week champion, there may be a caveat that was overlooked.  The sound scan results that were released were only for North America and overlooked Europe.

According to sources 50 Cent sold as many as 2 million records across Europe landing himself in the #1 spot across the pond while Kanye West only managed to climb to the third position on the European charts.

Coincidentally, prior to the sound scan results 50 Cent had allegedly canceled his European tour which magically happened to become 'uncanceled' after the European results were released.

Maybe 50 Cent won't have to retire from solo albums after all.

Related Content: 50 Cent Ringtones